Submission, investigation, and decision on appeals or reconsiderations shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.
- A certificant who has had certification or recertification suspended or revoked may request a formal appeal of the board action.
- Such requests shall be made in writing to the ABFT Administrative Office within 30 days of the certificant receiving notice of the action and shall include why the certificant believes decision to be erroneous and shall include supporting documentation of compliance with program standards for certification or recertification.
- The executive director/administration and operations director shall acknowledge receipt of the request for appeal within 14 days. Acknowledgment shall be in writing, via certified mail, to the appellant.
- The executive director/administration and operations director shall document the appropriate information and forward to the president within the same 14 days.
- The president shall appoint a three-member Appeals Review Committee to review the appeal, two of whom shall be directors who are not currently serving on the Committee on Credentials.
- The committee shall review the request for appeal within 14 days of committee receipt of the appeal.
- The committee shall gather and verify information necessary to validate the appeal.
- The committee shall track the process and ensure that it is resolved in an impartial and timely manner.
- After review, the committee shall document its findings and forward to the board. The board shall respond within 60 days of receiving notice of appeal.
- The appellant shall be notified in writing when the board has received the request for appeal. The certificant may be represented by counsel at the hearing.
- After review, the board shall determine whether to reverse its prior decision. Within 14 days of the hearing date, the individual shall be notified of the board's decision by certified mail. Notification shall include a brief statement outlining the basis of the appeal and reason for the board's decision.
- A request for appeal shall not stay a board action to suspend or revoke certification or recertification.
- The board, acting through its duly elected officers and directors and its duly designated agents, shall have the sole jurisdiction, power, authority, and right to determine the outcome of and final action upon any challenge to or appeal of any action or decision of the board. The decision of the board on any such challenge or appeal shall be final and conclusive.
- An applicant or certificant may request that a denial of certification or recertification be reconsidered. Such requests for reconsideration shall be evaluated by the Committee on Credentials. The applicant or certificant may also request a formal appeal of the decision by the Committee on Credentials. See the Appeal Procedure.
- Requests shall be made in writing to the ABFT Administrative Office within 30 days of the applicant or certificant receiving notice of the action and shall include why the applicant or certificant believes the decision to be erroneous and shall include supporting documentation of compliance with program standards for certification or recertification.
- The executive director/administration and operations director shall acknowledge receipt of the request for reconsideration within 14 days. Acknowledgment shall be in writing, via certified mail, to the appellant.
- The executive director/administration and operations director shall document the appropriate information and forward to the president within the same 14 days.
- The president shall appoint a three-member Reconsiderations Review Committee that shall consist of three members currently serving on the Committee on Credentials.
- The committee shall review the request for reconsideration. The review shall occur within 14 days of committee receipt of the request.
- The committee shall gather and verify information necessary to validate the request for reconsideration.
- The committee shall track the process and ensure that it is resolved in an impartial and timely manner.
- After review, the committee shall determine whether to reverse its prior decision. Within 14 days of the final review date, the ABFT Administrative Office shall notify the individual of the committee's decision via certified mail. Notification shall include a brief statement outlining the basis of the reconsideration and reason for the committee's decision.
- A request for reconsideration shall not stay the denial of certification or recertification.
- The board, acting through its duly elected officers and directors and its duly designated agents, shall have the sole jurisdiction, power, authority, and right to determine the outcome of and final action upon any request for reconsideration of actions or decisions of the board. The decision of the board on any such requests for reconsideration shall be final and conclusive.

410 North 21st Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Phone: (352) 258-6125
The ABFT is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The ABFT has been accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) since March 1, 2006.
Information found in ABFT documents or website, including advertising, is intended to be accurate and not misleading at the time of publication.
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ABFT is a certification and accreditation organization and cannot provide consultative or referral services. Therefore, ABFT will not reply to any inquiries of this nature.
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