The purpose of the recertification process is to determine and document that a certificant has maintained qualifications and continues an acceptable practice of forensic toxicology. Recertification is distinct from annual documentation of continuing education and occurs every five years. There is no fee associated with the recertification process as long as it is submitted by the deadline. If the recertification application is not submitted by the deadline, a $150 late fee will apply.
Requirements for Recertification
- Certificants must be engaged in the practice of forensic toxicology at the time of application for recertification.
- Certificants must submit continuing education information and fee for each of the years prior to recertification. Recertification applications will not be processed unless all continuing education material has been submitted, including the CE that is due in the recertification year.
- Continuing education credit minimum totals for a first time recertification is 40 points. Thereafter, a minimum total continuing education requirement of 50 points for each five-year period must be maintained.
Procedure for Recertification
- Three months prior to the end of the current certification or recertification time period, certificants will receive a recertification application with instructions for completing the application.
- Upon the timely receipt of the application and supporting documents, the Committee on Credentials and the Subcommittee on Recertification will review the application. Some cases may be submitted to the full board of directors who vote on whether or not the certificant should be recertified. Recertification is for five years commencing at the end of the prior certification or recertification time period.
- Recertified certificants will receive notification in addition to a new Certificate of Qualification.

410 North 21st Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Phone: (352) 258-6125
The ABFT is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The ABFT has been accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) since March 1, 2006.
Information found in ABFT documents or website, including advertising, is intended to be accurate and not misleading at the time of publication.
Contact Us
ABFT is a certification and accreditation organization and cannot provide consultative or referral services. Therefore, ABFT will not reply to any inquiries of this nature.
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