To promote the highest quality of professional and personal conduct of its certificants, the following constitutes the Code of Professional Conduct that is endorsed and adhered to by all certificants of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT):
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall refrain from making an intentional misstatement or misrepresentaton, to include concealment or omission of a material fact or facts in an application or any other communication to the board of directors (BOD) or its representative(s).
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall refrain from exercising professional or personal conduct adverse to the best interests and purposes of the ABFT.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall refrain from providing any material misrepresentation of education, training, experience, certifications, or area of expertise.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall disclose their certification level and designation to all interested parties including, but not limited to, employers, medical examiners, coroners, attorneys, law enforcement, other medical doctors; opinion testimony in deposition and/or trial.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall refrain from providing any material misrepresentation of data upon which an expert opinion or conclusion is based.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall refrain from issuing public statements that appear to represent the position of the ABFT without specific authority first obtained from the president.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall abide by the ANSI/ASB Best Practice Recommendation 037, First Edition 2019 titled "Guidelines for Opinions and Testimony in Forensic Toxicology."
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall report to the BOD any violation of this Code of Professional Conduct by another applicant, candidate, affiliate, or certificant.
- Every certificant of the ABFT shall discontinue use of all claims to certification that contain any reference to the ABFT or certification upon suspension or withdrawal of certification, whether voluntary or involuntary, and shall return any current certificate issued by the ABFT.
The Code of Professional Conduct shall be attested to at the time of application and each subsequent continuing education submission and requalification by the statement "I agree to abide by the ABFT Code of Professional Conduct" with name signed, printed, and dated.

410 North 21st Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Phone: (352) 258-6125
The ABFT is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The ABFT has been accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) since March 1, 2006.
Information found in ABFT documents or website, including advertising, is intended to be accurate and not misleading at the time of publication.
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ABFT is a certification and accreditation organization and cannot provide consultative or referral services. Therefore, ABFT will not reply to any inquiries of this nature.
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