- The ABFT shall resolve all complaints in an impartial and timely manner, including those alleging professional misconduct or negligence.
- The complaints-handling process shall be subject to requirements for confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.
- All complaints shall be addressed in writing to the ABFT Administrative Office. The complainant shall provide sufficient information for the ABFT to adequately investigate the complaint.
- The executive director/administration and operations director shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 14 days. Acknowledgment shall be in writing, via certified mail, to the complainant.
- Within the same 14 days, the executive director/administration and operations director shall forward the complaint to the president.
- The president shall appoint a three-member Complaints Review Committee to review the complaint.
- The committee shall review the complaint to ensure it relates to ABFT certification activities and shall at the minimum, address the complaint. The review shall occur within 14 days of committee receipt of the complaint.
- The committee shall gather and verify information needed to validate the complaint.
- The committee shall track the complaint and ensure that it is resolved in a fair and timely manner.
- The review committee shall review and make recommendations regarding the allegations. They shall determine if the complaint is valid, if the complaint requires disciplinary action, and it that disciplinary action includes a written reprimand, suspension, or revocation.
- The review committee shall communicate its conclusions to the president.
- The president shall submit recommendations of a suspension or revocation to the board for a vote.
- Suspensions and revocations are effective on the date the secretary certifies the vote.
- The ABFT Administrative Office shall notify the complainant of the resolution by certified mail. In addition, any substantiated complaint regarding a certified individual shall be referred to the certified individual in question at an appropriate time.
- If the resolution addresses a personnel matter, the complainant shall only be notified that a resolution has been reached, i.e., the specifics of the resolution shall not be outlined.
- Records of the complaint shall be maintained for five years.
- If certification is revoked and the certificant is barred from reapplication, records shall be retained indefinitely. If the certificant reapplies for, and successfully attains certification, records shall be maintained in the certificant’s file indefinitely.
- Submission, investigation, and decision on complaints shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant.

410 North 21st Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Phone: (352) 258-6125
The ABFT is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The ABFT has been accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) since March 1, 2006.
Information found in ABFT documents or website, including advertising, is intended to be accurate and not misleading at the time of publication.
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ABFT is a certification and accreditation organization and cannot provide consultative or referral services. Therefore, ABFT will not reply to any inquiries of this nature.
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